How to Have a Successful Garage Sale and Earn All the Cash (2024)

Hosting a garage sale can turn rarely used items into extra cash for a big splurge, paying off bills, or donating to a good cause. A successful sale takes lots of planning, prep, and execution, so before you post any signs, use these tips to make the most cash possible for all your hard work. For more on a successful garage sale, we turned to Tanisha Porter, a professional organizer and owner of Natural Born Organizers in Los Angeles, and Shannon Quimby, a Portland, Oregon-based garage sale expert and designer.

How to Have a Successful Garage Sale and Earn All the Cash (1)

1. Have a goal for your garage sale.

"The first thing people want to think about is the why," Porter says. "You need to know if you are holding it to recoup money, to generate income, or to pay it forward and make sure the items you are selling are going to a new family to live on again." Knowing why you're holding a garage sale can help you stay focused and motivated.

For Quimby, the original purpose of her annual garage sale was to raise money for extra materials for her DIY makeovers in her new home. But the simple sale turned into 17 years of running an epic event each summer with several friends. "We all make money, which ultimately makes a bigger and better sale. It's a win-win," Quimby says. "We also get to let go of stuff, make some moolah, and have less clutter at home. I use the money I make to go toward our vacation."

The Cost of Clutter and Clever Organizing Tips That Save Money

2. Check out the competition.

Take the time to walk through other local sales before you hold your own. You'll gather intel on what works, what doesn't, and how to price everything to sell. Go online and click through your community's message boards or newsletters, as well as online apps like Nextdoor, to note the words and descriptions that grab your attention and make you want to check out a sale.

3. Pick a date.

Fridays and Saturdays are generally the best days for a garage sale. Consider holding one the first weekend of the month, when many people get paid and have more discretionary cash. Set the date at least a month out to allow time to gather and price sale items.

How to Have a Successful Garage Sale and Earn All the Cash (2)

4. Start collecting items.

Sort garage sale items into categories, such as kids' gear, kitchenware, linens, and workout gear. This will simplify your setup. If your sale is so successful it becomes an annual event, like Quimby's, you can collect sale goods all year. "I make it a goal to put one thing toward the sale every day—even if it's just a pair of earrings," she says.

How to Have a Successful Garage Sale and Earn All the Cash (3)

5. Price as you gather items.

Don't plan on pricing the night before the sale. You'll be too stressed and tired to make good choices. Instead, price items as you gather them. "Pricing takes forever. And you want to price ahead of your sale; otherwise, you'll lose money if people come and you don't know what you want for an item," Quimby says.

Porter also recommends thinking like your customers. "People who are coming to a garage sale want to bargain hunt," Porter says. "They're expecting everything to be at a deep discount. It may be brand new and still have the original tag on it, but since you're selling it out of your garage or on your lawn, people expect a bargain."

9 Thrifting Tips to Ensure You Find the Best Secondhand Items

6. Use inexpensive tags.

Minimize expenses by choosing low-cost tags. Pick up stickers from a discount store or use masking tape and a permanent marker. To make your own tie-on versions, tear up brown paper bags into tag-size pieces and punch holes in them for stringing.

7. Write up a pricing sheet for clothes.

Put together a clothing price sheet so you don't have to price each piece separately. Quimby's typical prices range from 25 cents for socks to seven dollars for coats "because clothing has got to be priced cheap," she says. Place price sheets in clear sheet protectors and post several around the clothing. For easy reference, you can also tape a price sheet next to the cash-out area.

8. Advertise your garage sale strategically.

Start posting online ads and hanging flyers, and a few days before the sale, tell everyone you know about it in person and on your social media. Call it something catchy but simple, such as "Shannon's Huge Sale!" or "Friends' Ultimate Group Sale!" so your sale stands out. If you have sought-after items, such as kids' toys or clothes, specialty tools, craft supplies, or collectibles, note that in the ad.

Always include your full address, the days of the sale, and times. For online sites, request that your notice posts a day or two ahead of the sale and stays up through the last day. Promote your forms of payment in ads (and on the day of the sale), especially if you'll accept credit cards and online payments and apps like Venmo.

Quimby never pays to advertise her sales since there are so many free online options. Here are some of her favorites:

9 Thrift Store Decor Ideas to Repurpose Easily Found Items

How to Have a Successful Garage Sale and Earn All the Cash (4)

10. Post physical garage sale signs.

Hang easy-to-read, weather-proof signs within a mile of your house with heavy-duty tape, or use the existing nails on wood poles (where allowed). Quimby writes the days, times, and address with chunky markers for easy-to-read signs that can be reused for the next sale. "All your signs must look the same, so people know it's for the same garage sale, and they must be readable from afar, even if you handwrite it," she says.

Hang the signs high at both ends of your street and at nearby busy intersections where a driver can easily read them. Drive past them to verify their readability. Some communities have regulations about how and where to post signs, so research this before you start. On the day before your sale, you can also use sidewalk chalk to draw arrows pointing to your house with words like "Sale!" and "This Way!" Quimby says this entices neighbors to check out your sale because they'll feel part of a scavenger hunt.

11. Have all the essentials ready.

The week before your garage sale, gather necessities and stash them together. Arrange to borrow lots of tables, including one for the cash-out area. "Call your friends, your neighbors, your parents, your cousins—anyone you can think of who will let you borrow one," Porter says. Stock a cash box with a variety of bills for change (this can be an old toolbox or crafting box, as long as it's sturdy and has shelves or dividers to separate the bills). Have an extension cord, lightbulbs, and batteries on hand, so people can test whether items work. Here are some other items Quimby suggests:

  • Calculator
  • Chairs
  • Clear, zip sandwich bags
  • Cooler for drinks
  • Hand sanitizer placed in multiple spots and at checkout
  • Music
  • Paper clips
  • Pens
  • Plastic grocery bags
  • Receipt book
  • Safety pins
  • Scissors
  • Sold tags and "I Live Here" tags to mark items that are not for sale
  • String
  • Tape
  • Tape measure
  • Tarps and umbrellas
  • Treats and drinks

12. Prepare digital tools if needed.

Buy an inexpensive credit card reader—for example, Square—and download online apps like Venmo so that you can accept credit cards or online transfer payments. Quimby says you might have to pay a processing fee if you take cards, but the increase in sales usually makes up for it. Be sure to have a working hot spot, especially if your Wi-Fi can get iffy. Download an app to record sales, which can be especially helpful for group sales.

13. Set up the day before.

Give yourself a day ahead of the garage sale to set up. If items will be kept outside overnight, cover them with large tarps or old sheets to keep them protected. Porter recommends setting up your sale like it's a fun shopping experience. Put your borrowed tables to work so everything is easy to see, and no one has to bend over to look at something. Use books or sturdy shallow boxes as risers on tables to add varying heights and more focal points.

Quimby sets up different "rooms." For example, she places all the kitchen or living room items together. Within these zones, arrange coordinated vignettes that resemble a store display window. If people can see the items easily, they're inspired to buy more. You can also designate a kids' section. This is where you want to put things down low so they're at kid height. "You want the kids to play with the toys because if the kids are active and playing, the parents get to shop longer," Quimby says.

14. Make sure everything is in good condition.

All sale items should be clean, unwrinkled, and in good condition. Pump air into tires and balls, and install working batteries in anything that needs them. Throughout the day, have a helper go through and fluff or fold clothing, assemble new outfits, and rearrange table pieces. Quimby says people might come back the second day to see what's new or what they missed and buy more.

15. Arrange clothing thoughtfully.

Hang clothes so they're easy to see. You can string a clothing line between trees or poles, hang clothes on a fence, or, if you have one, bring out a clothing rack. Take the time to display clothes in complete outfits—they're more likely to sell. You can also group items like T-shirts or shorts into sets of three to five and label them with their sizes. If you have handbags, dress coats, suits, or sports gear that can fetch higher prices, separate them into their own area and identify them as specialty items.

16. Showcase jewelry and eyewear.

Set up an area for small items like jewelry, sunglasses, and readers next to the cash-out table. Pin jewelry on a cork bulletin board or use hooks to hang pieces on a window screen. Organize by style so more formal or kid-friendly pieces are grouped together. Always keep earrings together.

17. Group linens in sets.

Bundle sheets and pillowcases into sets and label them with their sizes (twin, queen, etc.). Group napkins together and lay them beside tablecloths, so people can easily pair things. Combine towels into sets that include a washcloth, hand towel, and bath towel. Wrap all bundles neatly together using twine or string.

18. Sell drinks and individually packaged treats at checkout.

Stock coolers or buckets full of ice to sell drinks at the checkout. Small snacks can also be an easy way to boost profits. "Our friend had a baking business, so she brought individually wrapped cookies and sold them for $1 apiece. Each day she sold out in an hour and a half," Quimby says.

19. Be prepared for negotiations.

Use your intel from the competition to help price items fairly, but be prepared for shoppers to negotiate. Before the sale, determine the lowest price you're willing to accept, Porter says. Quimby starts with a fair price and doesn't barter on the first day of her sale (or with any early birds), but she will negotiate on subsequent days to keep things moving.

20. Think twice about allowing holds.

Holds create a hassle, Quimby says. "I learned from experience that most people don't come back, and if they really want it, they'll usually buy it once they know they can't put it on hold." For people who buy something but need to fetch a vehicle to pick it up, you can pleasantly remind them what time the garage sale ends and that everything leftover will be part of a donation pickup. That way, they're incentivized to return by the end of the sale.

21. Plan for an after-sale pickup.

Set up a donation pickup at the end of your garage sale to get rid of anything that remains. "Nothing that went into the sale should go back into your house," Porter says. Some charities require a month's notice to schedule one, so plan ahead. Then, at closing time, let people keep shopping but start moving items to the designated pickup area so you can wrap things up. Also, set up times for returning any borrowed tables.

How to Have a Successful Garage Sale and Earn All the Cash (2024)


How to Have a Successful Garage Sale and Earn All the Cash? ›

Like we mentioned, you can try to sell lots of things at a garage sale, but that doesn't mean they'll actually sell. It's important to keep in mind some things are in higher demand than others. Selecting in-demand sale items like books, dishes, and tools helps you have a more successful yard sale.

How to make the most money at your garage sale? ›

7 Tips for a Profitable Garage Sale
  1. Offer Plenty to Sell. A sparse garage sale doesn't have much curb appeal. ...
  2. Spruce Things Up. ...
  3. Make it Easy to Shop. ...
  4. Don't Price Too High … or Too Low. ...
  5. Remember that Time is Money. ...
  6. Draw Customers with Freebies. ...
  7. Offer Profitable Extras.

What sells best at yard sales? ›

Like we mentioned, you can try to sell lots of things at a garage sale, but that doesn't mean they'll actually sell. It's important to keep in mind some things are in higher demand than others. Selecting in-demand sale items like books, dishes, and tools helps you have a more successful yard sale.

What is the average profit from a garage sale? ›

The right items bought at garage sales are often resold for an average profit of 462% each. As long as you know what to look out for, and who to sell it to, flipping garage sales (and yard sales, and flea markets!) is a clever and easy way to really line your pockets.

What makes a successful garage sale? ›

How to Hold a Successful Garage Sale
  1. Don't wait until the last minute. ...
  2. Contact your local government. ...
  3. See if neighbors want to join in. ...
  4. Schedule the sale. ...
  5. Advertise. ...
  6. Price your goods. ...
  7. If it's junk, recycle or donate it. ...
  8. Display items nicely.

What are the best hours for a garage sale? ›

Garage sales usually start early in the morning, around 7 a.m., and end mid-afternoon. The busiest hours of a garage sale are often between 7 a.m. and 11 a.m., before temperatures get too high. Depending on how many items you plan to sell, you may want to spread the sale out over multiple days.

What is the best payment method for a garage sale? ›

Although cash has long been the currency of garage sales, in this day and age, you'll likely get more bang for your buck if you also accept digital payments. Open up Venmo and/or PayPal accounts, and consider using payment services like Square or Stax.

What not to sell in a garage sale? ›

Creepy, Tacky, Inappropriate | Things You Should Never Sell at a...
  • Used Underwear: Nope. ...
  • Medicine. ...
  • Taxidermy Animals: Since other people didn't shoot it or catch it, don't sell it.
  • Personal Hygiene Products. ...
  • Adult Movies: OK…that's just ALL I got to say about THAT.

What is the best day for a garage sale? ›

Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings are usually the best time to hold a successful garage sale. Consider scheduling your sale on the first weekend of the month—when people have just gotten paid and haven't spent all their fun money yet.

What is the fastest way to organize a garage sale? ›

How to Organize a Garage Sale
  1. Get Rid of Everything You Don't Need.
  2. Organize Your Items.
  3. Reorganize Your Garage.
  4. Create Lots of Signage.
  5. Online Advertising is Key.
  6. Create a Fun and Welcoming Atmosphere.
  7. Display Your Best Items.
  8. Place Price Tags on Your Items.
Aug 23, 2021

What are the cons of a garage sale? ›

Another significant downside is that a garage sale is a lot of work. Successful garage sales involve (and require) a lot of preparation like making signs, placing ads, getting permits, pricing items, and getting up before dawn on the day of the sale to set everything up.

What is a good amount of cash to have for a garage sale? ›

Conventional advice is to have at least $100 cash available to make change. Here's a common breakdown: (20) $1 bills = $20. (5) $5 bills = $25.

How do you price records for a garage sale? ›

NAME YOUR PRICE: In general, expect records to be $1 apiece at an estate sale, although I've seen them for as little as $. 25 and as much as $75 for highly collectible albums. It never hurts to offer less—at worst, they say 'no' and you pay full price.

How can I make a lot of money at a garage sale? ›

Organize your yard sale
  1. Display items thoughtfully. For instance, clothing hung on a sturdy rack can make it easy for shoppers to browse. ...
  2. Label everything clearly. Decide what you want to charge for each item and place a clear label on it before the sale begins. ...
  3. Keep valuable items near you. ...
  4. Keep the money on you.
Jul 31, 2023

What do people look for most at garage sales? ›

Vinyl, CDs, and DVDs. The folks who tend to frequent garage sales can be old school, so it's easier to put a CD on the car radio or watch a DVD instead of picking a movie 'on-demand. ' Don't shy away from selling your copy of Top Gun or Guns & Roses' Greatest Hits.

How do I attract people to my yard sale? ›

Post your garage sale flyers around the neighborhood a few days before the yard sale. Make sure to place them in high-traffic areas like marts, parks, office elevators, and churches so people will see them. You can also ask your friends and family to help out.

How do I get more customers for my garage sale? ›

Post your garage sale flyers around the neighborhood a few days before the yard sale. Make sure to place them in high-traffic areas like marts, parks, office elevators, and churches so people will see them. You can also ask your friends and family to help out.

Is it better to price items at a garage sale? ›

Although not everyone puts price tags on their garage sale merchandise, pricing your merchandise in advance will make the day of the sale less hectic for you. Additionally, it may make customers more likely to buy.

How do I draw attention to my garage sale? ›

Bundle items.

It's easy to pass up DVDs or books at $5 a pop. But if you offer them at four for $10, you're sure to catch someone's attention. Look around for ways to make a deal. If it's the end of the day and you really want to move your items, let customers fill up a bag with items at a $5 or $10 flat rate.


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